ketchup recipe | Mommy's Kitchen


ketchup recipe


-4 pieces of fresh Tomato

-1/2 Onion 

-Bay leaf powder






-1 clean all the tomato and insert in the juicer. combine the little portion of tomato juice and a one spoon of a starch and mix it.

2- use other tomato juice to combine bay leaf powder and boil it until it is soup like.

3- insert vinegar and honey and salt in the tomato juice.

4- combine prepared starch and tomato juice together and turn off the fire to cool it down.

5- Please store it in the clean jar and close the top. Put it in the refrigerator.

extra notes:

"It is preferable to use the fresh tomato to make ketchup. Please don't refrigerate the ketchup for any longer than a month".

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