Healthy recipes for a happy Quaker Parrot | Mommy's Kitchen


Healthy recipes for a happy Quaker Parrot

           Mother Nature has an abundance of greens at her disposal to feed her colorful creations. A Quaker Parrot in the wild feeds on nourishing green plants, leaves, buds, springs, shoots, blossoms, and stems. Other favorites include nuts, seeds, fruits and berries. Majority of the diet consists of fibrous green foods. Proteins from vegetable stuff and fats are not enough to enrich its diet. As a caring Quaker Parrot owner, you must look into the greens included in the diet. That is the key to keep your Quaker Parrot healthy. Owing to popular beliefs, we focus more on grains and seeds, overlooking the importance of greens in its diet. As an educated Quaker Parrot lover, be sure to provide one or two greens in your Quaker Parrot diet every day.Would you give stale, colorless food to your child? Quaker Parrots are like children. Give them fresh food to have healthy Quaker Parrots at home.

  • Here are great recipes for meals for your Quaker Parrot.

First recipe: 


1- 1/ pot full of baby carrots, winter crush, or sweet potatoes along with baked yam, squeezed or cooked properly and later mashed with carrots.
2- 3/ pcs of boorish whole-grain crumbled toast.
3- 2 too 4tbs/ of non-fat plain yogurt.

- Optional: 1/8-cup high quality hand nourishing formula or a spray of a spirulina or wheat grass type supplement.


1- Mix and mash all the ingredients in large bowl to mix well. Change the consistency according to your Quaker Parrot’s preference. No cooking required. 

2- Add nutrient-rich edibles such as finely sliced collard greens, kale or broccoli flowers, griped carrots, wheat germ, oat bran, grated tofu-cheese, nonfat cottage cheese, sliced nuts or chopped currants, very hard-boiled egg, pasta, brown rice, well-cooked and chopped chicken and powdered crumbs. Anything That is nourishing and nutritive

Second recipe:


1- 1/ cup of quinoa 
2- 2-3/ cups of water 
3- Corn kernels 
4- Chopped carrots 
5- Raisins and/or dried apples 
6- Cinnamon stick


1- Boil 2 cups of water and add the quinoa. 

2- Cook for 10 minutes and then add the veggies and dried fruits. 

3- Cook for another 5 minutes or until the quinoa grain is clear and has a tiny tail sprouting from it. You may have to add a little more water
if it gets too dry too quickly. Let it cool. Now it is ready to be served. Carrots may be replaced with any other vegetable. More the number of vegetables, the more delicious is it for your Quaker Parrot.

Important note: Soft food is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria if left open in the cage. Do not use any scraps as components. Dole out a fresh batch each time you feed your Quaker Parrot.

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