Mashed zucchini | Mommy's Kitchen


Mashed zucchini


*1kg/ zucchini
*50g/ butter
*4tbls/ chopped parsley
*1/ capsule french HEART BROTH " MAGGI" Garlic Parsley
*salt; pepper


1-Peel the courgettes and cut them into pieces.

2-Cook them in a little salted water for 10 minutes.

3-Drain and pass through a food mill.

4-Pour the puree into the pan. If it is too liquid, dry it a bit over low heat, stirring so it does not stick.

5-Add butter gradually.

6-When cooked, add 1 capsule HEART BOUILLON "MAGGI" Garlic Parsley and blend until melting broth.

7-When cooked, add

8-Finally, add the herbs.

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