Raspberry flan recipe | Mommy's Kitchen


Raspberry flan recipe


*15 cl light cream (thick)
*200g/ raspberries
*8/ c. tablespoons raspberry coulis
*150g/ cream cheese (in cottage cheese)
*3/ whole eggs
*75g/ sugar (in powder)
*2/ cinnamon Pinch


1-Drain cottage cheese and beat with the whisk the cream, eggs, sugar and cinnamon until smooth mixture.

2-Pour this mixture into four ramekins and bake in a water bath in a baking dish containing water, fairly hot oven (180 °, gas mark 6) for 25 min.

3-Let cool and then go to the refrigerator for at least two hours.

4-To serve, unmold the blanks on small plates, cover with raspberries and raspberry sauce to pour over.(if desired)

  • Cooling time: 2 hours

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