Seafood Pancake recipe | Mommy's Kitchen


Seafood Pancake recipe


  • For the pancakes:

*50g plain flour
*50g wholemeal flour
*2 eggs
*200ml milk
*1 tbsp sunflower oil
*Pinch of salt
  • For the filling:
*Fish stock (or water)
*200g mixed fish (e.g. cod, salmon, Pollock)
*75g cooked peeled prawns
*150ml fresh cream
*Zest of 1/2 lemon
*Chopped dill


1-Mix the flours together then slowly work in the egg and milk. Whisk in the oil and salt, and leave batter to rest.
2-Add a little fish stock to a pan and gently poach the fish for 5-7 minutes until just cooked through. Add the prawns, fresh cream and lemon zest. Cook for a further "2– 3 minutes". Stir in the dill.
3-Meanwhile in a pan over a medium heat, cook the pancakes in a little oil.
4-Lay out a pancake and half fill with some of the fish mix. Fold and serve with a crisp green salad (if desired).

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